Month: March 2018

  • The Immigrant’s Perception

    The Immigrant’s Perception

    We are going deep in this article. I am excited, because if I succeed in sharing what I have come to understand about this topic, it may save you years of painful, useless and dangerous stagnation in your growth as an Immigrant, allowing you to take off towards your dream life like a rocket ship! […]

  • The Immigrant’s kids…

    The Immigrant’s kids…

    When I immigrated to Canada, I had only been married for 10 months: in fact, my wife Daniela was not included on the original application submitted more than 3 years earlier, so when I got married, I had to communicate the change in my marital status so the application could get updated, before getting the […]

  • Immigration is for everyone, but not everyone is for Immigration

    Immigration is for everyone, but not everyone is for Immigration

    The act of starting a new life in a new country, with all its difficulties but with infinite opportunities for transforming yourself, is definitely the best decision I and many others have ever made! The possibility of packing up everything and leaving is there for everyone, and potentially, everyone has what it takes to make […]

  • The Pain of the Immigrant is the fast lane to transformation…

    The Pain of the Immigrant is the fast lane to transformation…

    The day I left Italy, just before going through airport security, I waved at my little brother, 13 years old at the time, and I remember those big brown wide-open eyes looking at me, but he never waved back. I knew I was his hero, but in the excitement of leaving, I forgot to have […]