Memory Instructions: Load and Store Part 4

how to store cortex

We can horizontally scale distributors and ingesters, and ingest millions of samples/sec with a 99th percentile latency usually under 5ms in the ingester. Over the next few months, we expect to onboard new tenants that will be in the order of 10x bigger than our current largest one, but we’ve already faced several headaches while scaling out the blocks storage. So in this post, I want to take a deeper dive into the challenges we’ve faced and how we’ve dealt with them.

how to store cortex

This way, the number of store-gateway instances loading blocks of a single tenant is limited and the blast radius of any issue that could be introduced by the tenant’s workload is limited to its shard instances. The store-gateway is the Cortex service responsible to query series from blocks. The store-gateway is required when running the Cortex blocks storage. Nearly a year ago, in the Cortex community, we started brainstorming about removing the need to run an index store completely and instead storing all the time series data as blocks in the object store. Queriers use the blocks metadata to compute the list of blocks that need to be queried at query time and fetch matching series from the store-gateway instances holding the required blocks.

In our experience running the blocks storage at scale, the index-header of a 24h compacted block is in the order of 2 percent of the index, or about 0.2 percent of the total block size. To explain the fundamentals of Load and Store operations on ARM, we start with a basic example and continue with three basic offset forms with three different address modes for each offset form. For each example we will use the same piece of assembly code with a different LDR/STR offset form, to keep it simple. The best way to follow this part of the tutorial is to run the code examples in a debugger (GDB) on your lab environment. Unlike our caveperson brain, which functions continuously, our prefrontal cortex is more like a battery (Lowe et al., 2019; McGonigal, 2011).

When you first wake up, do not jump up or turn your attention to anything. Even if you do not think you can remember a dream, take just a minute to see if there is any feeling or image you can describe. Following these simple steps may cause an entire dream to come flooding back. The emotional content and logical consistency of a dream also affect how much of our dreams we remember.

Waiting for stable ring at startup

The hippocampus can form active memories very quickly, while the cortex takes care of long-term stability,” explains Prof. Susumu Tonegawa. By default, each index-header is memory mapped by the store-gateway right after downloading it. In a cluster with a large number of blocks, each store-gateway may have a large amount of memory mapped index-headers, regardless how frequently they’re used at query time. The default sharding strategy spreads the blocks of each tenant across all store-gateway instances. It’s the easiest form of sharding supported, but doesn’t provide any workload isolation between different tenants.

  1. The store-gateway is responsible to query blocks and is used by the querier at query time.
  2. The blocks chunks and the entire index are never fully downloaded by the store-gateway.
  3. A more recent model, the multiple trace model, suggests that traces of episodic memories remain in the hippocampus.

In fact, this work was the start of a closer collaboration between the Thanos and Cortex projects, which Bartek and I recently talked about at PromCon Online. We spent some time investigating options to optimize it (including a proposal to cache symbols lookup), but we haven’t found any easy wins. To be honest, figuring this out was a typical case of spending one week brainstorming about an issue, then solving it by just changing a few lines of code.

For this reason, it’s recommended – but not required – to run the store-gateway with a persistent disk. For example, if you’re running the Cortex cluster in Kubernetes, you may use a StatefulSet with a persistent volume claim for the store-gateways. While running, store-gateways periodically rescan the storage bucket to discover new blocks (uploaded by the ingesters and compactor) and blocks marked for deletion or fully deleted since the last scan (as a result of compaction). The frequency at which this occurs is configured via -blocks-storage.bucket-store.sync-interval.

The prefrontal cortex becomes stronger and the hippocampus becomes weaker,” Morrissey says. When a store-gateway instance cleanly shutdowns, it automatically unregisters itself from the ring. However, in the event of a crash or node failure, the instance will not be unregistered from the ring, potentially leaving a spurious entry in the ring forever.

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The compactor is responsible to merge and deduplicate smaller blocks into larger ones, in order to reduce the number of blocks stored in the long-term storage for a given tenant and query them more efficiently. It also keeps the bucket index updated and, for this reason, it’s a required component. The store-gateway is responsible to query blocks and is used by the querier at query time. ARM uses a load-store model for memory access which means that only load/store (LDR and STR) instructions can access memory. While on x86 most instructions are allowed to directly operate on data in memory, on ARM data must be moved from memory into registers before being operated on.

You typically have a load balancer in front of a pool of distributors, and your Prometheus servers are configured to remote-write to the distributor through the load balancer. You can’t efficiently query the index exclusively via GET byte range requests through the storage. In fact, there are two sections of the index – the symbols table and the postings offset table – that you need to have previously downloaded locally to efficiently look up the index.

how to store cortex

Whether you deploy Cortex in microservices or single binary mode, the architecture of how individual internal services interact with each other doesn’t change. Whatever best hardware you use, it won’t scale up more than a single core. The one-day block range period works perfectly in theory, but not so much in practice, because the assumption we made before is not 100 percent correct.

There are 16 condition codes which we can use and one condition code takes up 4 bits of the instruction. 2 bits for the first operand register, and 1 bit for the set-status flag, plus an assorted number of bits for other matters like the actual opcodes. The point here is, that after assigning bits to instruction-type, registers, and other fields, there are only 12 bits left for immediate values, which will only allow for 4096 different values.

The location on the filesystem where the WAL is stored is the same where local TSDB blocks (compacted from head) are stored and cannot be decoupled. Blocks can be replicated across multiple store-gateway instances based on a replication factor configured via -store-gateway.sharding-ring.replication-factor. The in-memory samples are periodically flushed to disk – and the WAL truncated – when a new TSDB block is created, which by default occurs every 2 hours. At Grafana Labs, we’re currently running the blocks storage at a relatively large scale, with some tenants remote writing between 10 and 30 millions active series (~1M samples/sec), and up to 200GB of blocks stored in the long-term storage per tenant, per day. In fact, if a dream ends before we wake up, we will not remember it. The processes that allow us to create long-term memories largely lie dormant while we sleep, which is why most dreams are forgotten shortly after waking.

Metadata cache

Getting back to the previous case of a tenant producing 200GB of blocks / day, the index-header would be in the order of 400MB / day. It doesn’t look like much, but if you project it to a 13 months retention, we’re talking about 160GB of data that needs to be downloaded locally in the store-gateway before it’s ready to query blocks. However, compacting blocks for a large tenant may take a few hours, so when you run a “Last 24h” query, it’s very likely that you will end up querying between 200 and 300 non-compacted blocks in a cluster with 100 ingesters. The second STR operation with the pre-indexed address mode will do the same, with the difference that it will update the base register (R1) with the calculated memory address (R1+R2). A recharging activity should not feel like another item on your “to-do list.” Even though going for a walk may be a healthy activity for many people, if you feel angry or irritated by the end of your walk, it is not a recharging activity even if it’s a healthy habit.


Then we load the value stored at the memory address found in R0 to R2, and store the value found in R2 to the memory address found in R1. The Memcached client uses a jump hash algorithm to shard cached entries across a cluster of Memcached servers. For this reason, you should make sure memcached servers are not behind any kind of load balancer and their address is configured so that servers are added/removed to the end of the list whenever a scale up/down occurs. The shuffle-sharding strategy spreads the blocks of a tenant across a subset of store-gateway instances.

Bucket index enabled

However, the WAL is used as a last line of defense in case multiple ingesters fail at the same time, like in a cluster-wide outage. Finally, ingesters are responsible for storing the received series to the long-term storage. To do it, an ingester opens a dedicated per-tenant TSDB where samples are appended.



